Australia 1934 New Zealand flight larger manila cover signed Ulm crome back notations
Australia New Zealand 1934 Pilot Ulm signed manila cover
11th May 1934 Goodwill flight by Charles T.P. Ulm and G.U.Allan [co-pilot].When ulm was unable to conclude arrangements for a further official Australia -New Zealand Trans Tasman mail he made a Goodwill flight which landed briefly at New Plymouth before continuing on to land at Rongotai aerodrome in Wellington. Unofficial letters were carried to the Governor General ,the prime minister and other dignitaries together with 250 special goodwill ,a few plain manila covers posted at Sydney before take off and at Wellington and a bundle of [a special edition] of the Sydney Sun newspapers. This one signed Ulm to front number 177 with two back notations in ink by Eric Crome .