Bishop of Litchfield Bishop Selwyn 19th century CDV

Bishop of Litchfield Bishop Selwyn 19th century CDV


Bishop Selwyn 19th century CDV Bishop of Litchfield.

SKU: 2022 04 Category: Tag:


19th century cdv by Elliot & Fry London[England] with this comes seperate card piece with hand written Bishop of Litchfield.

The Bishop of Litchfield was Bishop Selwyn

George Augustus Selwyn (5 April 1809 – 11 April 1878) was the first Anglican Bishop of New Zealand. He was Bishop of New Zealand (which included Melanesia) from 1841 to 1869. His diocese was then subdivided and Selwyn was Metropolitan (later called Primate) of New Zealand from 1858 to 1868. Returning to Britain, Selwyn served as Bishop of Lichfield from 1868 to 1878.[1]

Age conducive /some fade

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