Maori Chief Mohi te Ngu Tamaki Makaurau was treaty signatory cdv labelled back G W Bishop Auckland

Maori Chief Mohi te Ngu Tamaki Makaurau was treaty signatory cdv labelled back G W Bishop Auckland


Rare Maori chief Mohi Tawhai CDV cloaked


Though this cdv is not identified it is maori Chief Mohi [Mohi te Ngu]from Tamaki Makaurau in cloak and appears in other cdv images with this same cloak wrap.

To the back is a Photographer G W Bishop Auckland applied, I don’t often see these labels attached.

Te Ngu, Mohi, active 1860s

Known as Mohi Te Ahi-a-Te Ngu, also known as Moses. A Ngati Tamaoho chief of Manukau, Auckland. Signatory of Tiriti o Waitangi at Waitemata. A government assessor. Connected to the iwi of Waikato. He was a much photographed chief in the 19th century.

:::::::Auckland photographer 1860s. Possibly George Wesley Bishop, who arrived in New Zealand around 1863 and married in Auckland on 6 May 1866. He was in the Thames area from around 1868 to 1879, later becoming a chemist. He was later murdered in San Franciso in 1887 [Source: Auckland photographers database]

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