New Zealand 19th century Children Hemus and Hanna Photographer Auckland group of 3 photos

New Zealand 19th century Children Hemus and Hanna Photographer Auckland group of 3 photos


Auckland 19th century three Hemus and Hamma cdv children photos as lot

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We have kept these three Hemus and Hanna photographer Auckland cdv photos together,only one is written to the back and dates 1881

Two of children and one of a baby ,often I note images at some time have been sold seperately and can be lost forever  hence in this instance I have kept as a lot perhaps all related,.

Auckland photographic studio, founded in 1875 and operated to 1885, located in Queen Street on the corner with Wellesley street , Auckland. Partnership of Charles Hemus (1849-1925) and John Robert Hanna (1850-1915).Two young men whose studio was there August 1875 to April 1885.

Several days later a newspaper report on the Hemus & Hanna Studio appeared detailing, among other things, the extent of the photographic studio. Listed are twelve rooms for printing and other branches of the business, plus a large glass room which extended over four adjoining houses:

Two young men whose studio was there from August 1875 opening however Sept.1st  to April 1885.

No doubt to distinguish themselves from the other photographers, Hemus & Hanna started offering photographs of New Zealand’s unique sites to tourists. Confirmation of this approach can be seen in an advertising campaign carried out in 1878 when the pair offered photographs of the beautiful Lake Rotomahana district for sale through their Queen Street studio.

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